That American Life ยป Unspecified
Unspecified has made 28 statements, comprised of 587 unique spoken words:- 16
- 30
- 43
- A
- AM
- About
- Adam
- Alix
- An
- And
- Back
- Bear
- Beginnings
- Bill
- But
- Camera
- Can
- Care
- Chicago
- Close
- Clowney
- Contributing
- Cut
- Do
- Dolores
- Flickers
- Franklin
- From
- George
- Glass
- Great
- He
- His
- Hitt
- I
- Illinois
- In
- Ira
- It
- Jack
- Joe
- Just
- Long
- Luke
- Malatia
- Margy
- Maybe
- Nancy
- New
- No
- Nobody
- Nothing
- OF
- OK
- Oh
- Paul
- People
- Perfect
- Perhaps
- Peter
- Pictures
- Piles
- Playhouse
- Quick
- Radio
- Remember
- Right
- Rochlin
- She
- Something
- Spiegel
- Stephanie
- Sturgis
- Take
- That
- The
- There
- They
- This
- Tonight
- Tooker
- Torey
- Tough
- Trying
- Updike
- Voice
- We
- Well
- What
- Whatever
- When
- Who
- Wilber
- Year
- York
- You
- Your
- a
- about
- actually
- administered
- advice
- after
- again
- ahead
- all
- also
- am
- an
- and
- anger
- anonymity
- anonymous
- another
- anybody
- anyone
- anything
- anywhere
- are
- area
- artists
- artsy
- as
- ashtray
- asks
- assigned
- assignment
- at
- atop
- away
- baby
- back
- backdrop
- backseat
- backwards
- basic
- be
- bed
- been
- before
- behind
- being
- best
- better
- between
- bikers
- black
- blank
- blink
- blows
- blue
- bodies
- body
- brass
- briefly
- bring
- buried
- but
- by
- called
- camera
- cameras
- can
- car
- cared
- cart
- ceiling
- ceilings
- change
- city
- claims
- class
- clinic
- close
- closest
- closing
- clouds
- clumsy
- coast
- coiffed
- collective
- come
- comes
- coming
- complete
- confused
- constantly
- cool
- core
- corner
- couple
- crane
- crazy
- create
- creative
- cry
- cubicle
- cubicles
- days
- definitely
- demeanor
- desire
- detached
- did
- dies
- different
- do
- documentary
- doesn
- don
- door
- down
- drag
- drama
- dramatization
- each
- east
- editors
- either
- else
- emcee
- end
- ending
- entrance
- even
- ever
- expect
- expecting
- experienced
- explains
- exposure
- eyes
- face
- faces
- feel
- final
- find
- fingernails
- fingers
- finish
- first
- five
- flashing
- flipping
- flips
- floats
- for
- force
- forehead
- format
- forth
- freshly
- friends
- from
- front
- fulfilled
- full
- future
- get
- getting
- glorious
- going
- good
- got
- grade
- great
- growing
- guess
- guy
- had
- hairdo
- hallway
- hand
- handle
- has
- hat
- hate
- have
- having
- he
- head
- heads
- healthy
- hearing
- her
- here
- high
- highway
- him
- himself
- his
- history
- hit
- hold
- hollow
- hope
- hovers
- how
- human
- idea
- if
- imagines
- in
- incredibly
- inside
- intake
- interior
- interviewee
- into
- invented
- is
- it
- journalists
- just
- keep
- keeps
- kick
- kinds
- knocking
- know
- knows
- lapse
- large
- last
- let
- like
- likewise
- listen
- little
- live
- ll
- local
- long
- longest
- look
- looking
- looks
- lot
- lots
- m
- mad
- makes
- man
- many
- millimeter
- mini
- minute
- minutes
- missed
- mixed
- moment
- mounted
- mouth
- moving
- much
- murmurs
- music
- must
- my
- myself
- name
- named
- narrator
- never
- new
- next
- no
- not
- novel
- now
- number
- nurse
- of
- off
- old
- on
- one
- only
- onto
- or
- other
- out
- outfit
- over
- own
- pace
- painting
- pan
- paper
- parking
- people
- perfect
- performers
- person
- phone
- pieces
- piled
- pileup
- pipe
- popular
- positive
- possible
- posture
- present
- produced
- producers
- profiles
- program
- pulling
- pulls
- pulsate
- pushes
- quality
- queen
- quote
- radio
- rally
- ramp
- ran
- rapid
- re
- reaction
- reader
- real
- really
- reception
- refocus
- registers
- regular
- relay
- remember
- reproduced
- responds
- result
- results
- right
- room
- running
- s
- sad
- same
- say
- saying
- says
- scars
- scene
- scrape
- scratch
- scratchy
- screen
- seconds
- section
- security
- see
- seem
- seems
- seen
- shakes
- share
- short
- shot
- show
- shows
- since
- sink
- sit
- sits
- sixth
- sky
- slight
- slightly
- slow
- small
- so
- some
- something
- somewhere
- sort
- sound
- sounding
- spiel
- spot
- start
- starting
- still
- stories
- story
- straight
- stretching
- strong
- stuff
- supported
- sure
- surfing
- surprise
- surrounded
- surrounding
- sympathetic
- t
- takes
- talk
- talked
- teacher
- television
- tell
- telling
- tested
- tests
- thanks
- that
- the
- their
- theme
- then
- there
- these
- they
- thing
- things
- think
- thinking
- thinks
- this
- those
- thought
- through
- time
- to
- tonight
- too
- top
- trapped
- tries
- turns
- two
- uncharted
- undermined
- uniform
- up
- us
- used
- utter
- various
- ve
- waiting
- waits
- walks
- walls
- want
- wants
- was
- watery
- way
- we
- wears
- week
- were
- west
- what
- when
- white
- who
- why
- with
- wonders
- words
- world
- worse
- would
- wrinkled
- writers
- writing
- years
- yet
- you
- your